Saturday, 5 July 2014

What is IR LED?

An IR LED, is a special type of light emitting diode. It can transmit infra-red rays & the wavelength of those rays are typically 760 nanometre. IR LED's main construction material is gallium arsenide. But, sometime aluminium gallium arsenide also used as the main element of the IR LED.

In case of common LED, a glow is observed whenever a voltage difference is applied across the two terminals of it. You know, the human eye cannot see the infra-red rays, so it is not possible for a person to detect whether the IR LED is working or not.

To solve this problem, any type of camera can be used, because a camera can show us the IR rays.

A simple & daily application of IR LED is in our television remote. An IR LED is connected at the front side of any remote. IR LED also known as IR transmitter. IR LED & IR receivers combination is widely used in several sensor circuits.

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